


I used the following instructions to upgrade from Node.js and NPM version 6.14.14 to 7.23.0 on a Mac. It's very easy and simple.


I found npm version updates!


▶ Node.js Version Upgrade 


1. clean NPM's cache


sudo npm cache clean -f


2. Install module called 'n' which is Node.js version management helper.


sudo npm install -g n


3. Install stable or latest version Node.js


sudo n stable


by use 'n', you can interarctively manage your node.js version.


  • n latest (latest version)
  • n stable (stable version)
  • n lts (lts version)
  • n x.x.x (specific version)


4. Version check


node -v


▶ NPM Version Upgrade


1. Install npm 


sudo npm install -g npm



2. Version check


npm -v




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